

Name Type Description Notes
target_cloud_id str [optional]
agent_installation_token str [optional]
name str [optional]
users_i_ds list[str] todo empty array unless AO or ce admin [optional]
type str [optional]
replication_reversed bool [optional]
source_cloud_credentials_id str [optional]
cloud_credentials_i_ds list[str] The IDs of the cloud credentials to use (array of one). [optional]
source_region str The ID of the region to use as source. [optional]
licenses_i_ds list[str] The IDs of the licenses associated with this project (array of one). [optional]
ce_admin_properties object For internal use. [optional]
replication_configuration str The ID of the replication configuration object to use (corresponding to the ones available in /projects/{projectId}/replicationConfigurations). [optional]
source_cloud_id str [optional]
id str [optional]
features object [optional]

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