
Define the CloudEndure utility logic.

Attributes: first_cap_re (re.Pattern): The regex pattern to determine the first capital letter in a string. all_cap_re (re.Pattern): The regex pattern to determine all capital letters in a string.


get_user_agent(user_agent: 'str' = 'cloudendure-python')

Get the current module version.

Args: user_agent (str): The user agent client designation. Defaults to: cloudendure-python

Returns: str: The user agent string representation for the client.



Get the current time in UTC as milliseconds.

Returns: dict: The mapping of time now values in UTC.


to_snake_case(value: 'str')

Convert the provided value from CamelCase to snake_case.

Args: value (str): The string value to convert from CamelCase to snake_case.

Returns: str: The formatted snake_case string.